Help I’m not as motivated as I want to be at work

et’s be honest 2020 was a long exhausting year. Not only did it change how we interacted with others, our home lives drastically changed, and the work-life balance becomes even harder to manage. I’m sure for many, working at home sounded like a great idea until you realized you couldn’t go anywhere. Then on top of everything you now find yourself managing, you are also trying to stay motivated at work.
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My work environment is toxic…what should I do?

There is nothing worse than working in a toxic work environment and trying to be productive. On top of the current daily stressors, we’re still living in a COVID-19 world. Everyone is handling some stress, but everyone isn’t taking it well. So what do you do when your already toxic work environment is no longer manageable?
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5 Tips on how to quit a job without burning bridges

There is nothing more exciting than getting a new opportunity! When it allows you to leave a job, you may hate it’s the best feeling in the world. However, it’s crucial not to burn bridges as it’s a small world with social media and job networking sites. So I am sharing with you 5 tips that will help you avoid burning bridges.
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